November 15, 1954 Professor H. Ris Birge Hall ~ U-wihg Dear Hans: I want to take this opportunity to thank the Research Comittee and the allocation committee for the Marine Biol. Laby. (Woods Hole) "scholarships" for making possible my use of the facilities there last August. The month was a very profitable experience, especially as there happened to be in residence at the same time many of my colleagues, working in microbial genetics, from other institutions. In addition to these conferences, and the opportunity to fill in gaps in library work, the occasion also helped Professor Sonneborn (from Indiana University} and myself to lay definite plans for the writing of a deffbitive treatise in this ffeld. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. Fortunately, the hurricane (Carol) arrived only as we were preparing to leave.