A ene ' Lane Novis. 4 CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY IN THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 202 Junipero Serra Boulevard * Stanford, California 94305 Telephone (415) 321-2052 November 6, 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Medical School Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Forgive this delayed response to your visit here, which I greatly enjoyed and found most stimulating. I have held off on dropping you this note along with the article by Collmann and Stoller I promised to send you until I could find some other materials in my files that I thought would interest you. It turned out that my papers were more mixed up by my moving here than I thought, and it took a little while to locate the enclosed copies of an interchange of correspondence between Jerry Hirsch and Fred Mosteller. It may be that you have already seen this correspondence, which has gained a certain amount of notoriety. If you haven't, I think you'll find it interesting. I am also enclosing a copy of an article on behavior genetics by Gardner Lindzey, which again I think you will find interesting if you haven't seen it. There is a section on birth order in Ashley Montague's Prenatal Influence (1962). I discovered this only recently, but inasmuch as Ashley Montague is more or less of a geneticist (I guess), you are probably acquainted = DPW with this source. (Pirin order abba un Cy flmwpny Stalfer preoren ) Cc I asked a friend of mine who is really well acquainted with the literature on occupational choice if he knew Anything about birth order ~ and the tendency for children to take their parents' occupations. I have P not yet heard from him, but if he sends information of relevance I will pass it on to you. . Ben Ginzburg mentioned to me that he thought you were interested in the problem of coding of memory traces in the neurons. I have so far re- ceived very little correspondence relating to this matter, although I am quite interested in it at an amateurish level, as you can tell from the last chapter of my book. I enclose a copy of a letter from Turner McLardy at M.1.T. which refers to an article you may be interested in regarding memory coding. I have Xeroxed a copy of the article he cites, but brief reading of it failed to be very informative and I am scheduling a more detailed examination of his paper shortly. You may be interested in looking it up, if you are indeed interested in this kind of coding. I plan to pursue this matter further. I appreciate your referring me to Dr. Luzgzatti about the chromosome Dr. Joshua Lederberg - 2 November 6, 1964 analysis of my son Mark. Dr. Luzzatti called me last week with the informa- tion that the analysis he did several weeks ago turned up some very puzzling results, and he would like to get another blood sample to run the test again. We may be on the track of something, after all. I would be delighted if you find yourself free again some time and would come over to join me again for lunch, (or conversation without lunch, . Lal Very sincerely, _- oN “% are “Bernard Rimland BR: jr