4758 Edgeware Rd. San Diego, California 92116 July 7, 1964 JUL 8 1964 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: Last week I mailed you a copy of my book Infantile Autism: The syndrome and its implication for a theory of behavior. Quite frankly, I sent you this book in the hope of enticing you into becoming interested in autism and some of the other biological puzzles I discuss in the book (i.e., the paradoxes associated with the first-born, pages 124-127, 140-144), I read several years ago about your Kennedy Foundation grant relating to the molecular biology of mental retardation. I will be,comi to Palo Alto for a year, starting in September, as a Fellow at the GEES for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. During our stay in Palo Alto I will want to try to get a cytogenic study done on my eight-year old son, who is af- flicted with infantile autism. There is no one in San Diego who can do the work, and the Los Angeles specialists on this problem are too backlogged to accept more cases. Though I'd intended for some time to try to get the analysis done while at Palo Alto, I've received a new stimulus in that another parent has recently contacted me with the information that a cyto- genic study has identified an abnormality in his autistic child's chromo- somes, At least, it looks that way. The work is being checked. I might add that you have very indirectly entered the problem of autisn already. As you know, you were one of the "top American scientists" described by Bello in his 1954 Fortune article. It was that article that struck me with the demographic similarity between genius and infantile autism: the first-born male Jew is strikingly overrepresented among both the world's top scientists (Einstein, Freud, Weiner, etc.) and in children with autism. This is discussed in the book. I will contact your office when I get to Palo Alto to seek guidance to where I can get the cytogenic work done. Meanwhile, if you can find time to read the book and wish to send me any ideas, I'd naturally be delighted to hear from you. Singerely ernard Rimland, Ph.D. BR? bbn