April 10, 1952 Dr. Jose Luis Ootet Callao 545 (6° piso Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dear Reissig: My wife and I certainly do remember meeting you at PG, and are pleased to hear from you again. I have passed on to the publisher your suggestion that they send a copy of Microbial Genetics to you for review. It will have to be up to them to act on your request. Unfortunately, I no longer have any reprints of Ryan and Lederberg 1946, excent perhaps for a defective copy. Have you consulted Ryan himself? I will shortly send you copies of the others, as available. As to L-forms, whereas they are still an important question, we now are very doubtful of their connection with genetic transfer in Salmonella. I enclose an abstract of our recent work. It appears most likely now that the "FA" particles are actually phage particles, which carry over, so to speak, fragnaents of the genette material from the cells which they have lysed to other cells in which they become lysogenic. The phage appears to act only as a vehicle, and is not htself to be considered as genetic material of the bacterium. I am pleased to hear of your association with the biochemical institute of Fundacion Campomar, Leloir and his colleagues have made very impressive contributions, and he has long since expressed his interest in genetic approaches to biochemical problems. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics