April 27, 195) Dre Caroline Raut Detroit Institute for Cancer Res, 811 John R Street Detroit 1, Michigan Dear Caroline: During our conversation at Oak Ridge I promised that I would send you a letter reminding you of my request for certain haploid yeast strains, The desiderata for our work are cultures with the following properties: highly self-sterile, crosa-fertile, minimum - clumping, vigorous growth especially in synthetic media, and a well- developed oxidase system, If you have any paragons that satisfy these characteristics, Bob Wright and I would be indebted to you for them. If you could also give me a word as to the history of these isolates, this would be useful also. Have you noticed a recent paper in HEREDITY by Laskowski on the induction of small colony variants by TZ? Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg JL mg