UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY PEORIA 5, ILLINOIS October 8, 1952 NFC Professor Joshua Lederberg Associate Professor of Genetics Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Wadison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: I am pleased to send you a copy of the reprint entitled, "Isolation, Cultivation, and Conservation of Simple Slime Molds," which appeared last year in the QUARTERLY RiVIEW OF BIOLOGY. Unfortunately, further investigation of the origin and cause of rough variants in selected bacteria following slime mold feeding was delayed since Dr. Bore had to re- turn to the University of Illinois the first of July. Since that time neither he, nor I, have had an opportunity to do very much more with this problem. We still hope, however, to round it out to a derree at least sufficient te warrant a brief publication. ‘ I agree with you that Professor Ray's paper is a very significant one and you will be interested to know that she received this year a Guegenheim Fellowship with the expectation that a part of her time would*be spent in my Laboratory. It was planned, of course, that she would come here. How this will all work out now that I am joining the staff at the University of Wisconsin on Janu- ary 15 I do not know, but I was assured by Professor Fraizer that if she wished to do so, we could arrange for her to come there instead. Iam looking forward very much to my work at Wisconsin, and hope that I shall have many occasions when I can have the benefit of your stimlating counsel and advice. Sincerely yours, ) | Ww mA Crh pa Kenneth B. Raper, In Charve Culture Collection Section Fermentation Division Northern Regional Research Laboratory Enclosure