November 8, 1955 Dr. John R. Raper Biological Laboratories Harvard University Canbridge 38, Mass. Dear John: I happ I haven't waited too long to answer your letter of October 13, but my own good inéentions have been punctuated with trips, etc. , etd. Your course sounds like an exciting (and laborious) prospect, and I will be glad to help any way that I can. I think the Wollman—Jacob experiment would be rather too strenuous for a graduate student group-- if you do want to do it, you should perhaps get their own strains to be sure it works as they report. Insteai, I would have thought that a thorough review of the compatibility altuation would be more appropriate for the aims and background of a course like yours. You can have the students set up the basie tests for compatibility (F+, F~); demonstrate infective conversion of F- to P+; the aeration phenocopy; the effect of F polarity on segregation ratios; ,without tremetidous difficulties. The basic materials are described in the enclosure ; and we will send you the relevant cultures in a reaso nably short tins. We do stumble into Ken occasipnally —- we're next door neighbors in the new Bact. building, at least for two or three months while they are remodelling our old space in Genetics:: which is one reason (agong others) for delays. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg