September 4, 1946. Dr. ReL+ Rakieten, Dept. Bacteriology, long Island College of “edicine, New York, N.Y. Dear Dr, Rakieten: ve have been working here for some time now on some problems in bacterial inheritance, and are now about to focus our attention on the Salmonella group. For such investigations in Escherichia coli, specific phages proved to be very useful tools. However, we are very badly in need of advice concerning bacterial viruses active on Salmonella organisms. Noticing your name in connection with several publications on Salmonella viruses, we hoped that you might find it possible to discuss some of our problems. I shell be in New York cbout two weeks from now; could you mention when you might be reached sround that time? Or if that proves inconvenient, can you suggest when and where else an ajpointment could be arranged? Very sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg.