PUGWASH /CONTINUING COMMITT BE ——— Chairmen: The Barl Russell pr a 14th March, 1959. Dear Or. Lederberg, During the last two years three international meetings of scientists, known as Pugwash Conferences, were held to discuss the critical problems posed for mankind as a result of the advance of science. At the last conference, held in Austria in September, 1958, a Continuing Committee was elected to organize further activities. One of the activities contemplated by the Committee is the calling of & private meeting of eminent microbiologists and chemists to consider the problems of biological and chemical warfare. This letter is in the nature of an informal enquiry whether you would be interested in participating in such a meeting. The purpose of the meeting would be to examine the potentialities of biological and chemical warfare both as weapons of mass destruction and as a factor increasing international tensions, through the possibilities of smaller countries being capable of producing such weapons. An assessment would be made of the strategic and tactical possibilities in warfare with biological and chemical weapons, as compared with nuclear weapons. The discussions would be completely private but the group may find it possible to formulate, at the end, a statement outlining the general conclusions reached, so thet governments, scientists and the public would have the benefit of an authoritative estimate of biglogical and chemical warfare in the overall problem of achieving world security. Attached is a list of scientists to whom I am writing concerning this matter. Following receipt of the answers, a decision would be taken on the convening of such a meeting. Tentatively, the meeting would be held in September in North America or Europe. Expenses of the participants would be met out of the funds we hope to have available. The Conference would probably last about one week. In order to ensure the maximum use of the time, working documents would have to be prepared in advance by various participants and circulated to Conference members before the meeting. Suggested topic headings for the Conference are attached and we should welcome any comments on these. 'y lyyArsslha Flease send your reply to:- Frofessor J. Rotblat, v The Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Charterhouse Square, London, £.C.1 Yours sincerely, J Oe detec ewd Le Ce Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A. PUGWASH CONTINUING COMMITTEE Suggested topics for Conference on Biological and Chemical Warfare, 1. The potentialities of chemicals, bacteria and their toxins, viruses and rickettsial organisms, as weapons of war against human, animal populations end plant life, when used (a) as a strategic weepon for ass attack; (b) as a tactical weapon in localized areas, 2, Production and delivery require:snts of these weapons for warfare purposes by countries of differing economic and scientific development, 3. Problems of control through international agreement, Scientists to whom this letter is sent Australia Sir F, Macfarlane Burnet Canada Dr, Brock Chisholm Dr, A.J, Rhodes China Dr, Tang Fei-Fang Denmark Dr, Preben von Magnus France Dr, Andre Lwoff Dr. P, Thibault South Africa Dr,J,H,5,Gear Sweden Dr, Sven Gard U.K. Dr, A, Bradford Hill Dr, A, Haddow Dr, A,A,Miles Dr, Kenneth F,Smith Dr,E,T.S, Spooner U,S,A he fnree © Dr, Rene J,Dubos Dr, Renato Dulbecco Dr, F,O, Holmes Dr, Martin M, Kaplan Dr, Joshua Lederberg Dr, Franklin Maclean Dr, Kenneth F, Maxcy Dr, kK, F, Meyer Dr,d,H, Muller Dr, Theodor Rosebury Dr, Albert Sabin Dr, Yendell M, Stenley Dr, Max Theiler U5, 5, F. Dr, A, A, smorodintsev Dr, V,M, shdanov (In addition, several nuclear physicists and other people with knowledge on methods of delivery of weapons may attend).