HARVARD UNIVERSITY SOCIETY OF FELLOWS WIDENER 98 CAMBRIDGE 38, MASSACHUSETTS November 7, 1957 Dear Sir: The Senior Fellows of the Society of Fellows will hold elections for Junior Fellowships early in 1958. I enclose the small leaflet which sets forth the scope and purpose of these fellowships. The Society has always sought to get the best possible young men regardless of their fields and has sought to avoid any rigid formula in governing its choice. We do, however, feel that these prize fellowships are especially useful for able young scholars who plan work involving several fields usually kept somewhat apart in orthodox graduate instruction. Of recent years the Society has taken fewer candidates direct from senior classes in college, and has preferred can- didates who have completed most of their routine training for advanced work. From colleges not giving graduate degrees recommendations of alumni now doing distinguished graduate work elsewhere would be particularly welcome. nie (awd Will you be good enough to send me, if possible before January 15, any nominations and suggestions you may care to ; make? Kindly address your communication to me to 98 Widener Library, Cambridge 38, Mass. It would be helpful if you would include the names and addresses of two or three other persons to whom your candi- date is well known, or if you would ask such persons to write me directly on his behalf. Please include also the address of your nominee. Sincerely yours, % W.V. Quine Acting Chairman