UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 4200 EAST NINTH AVENUE DENVER 7, COLORADO June 23, 1953 COLORADO GENERAL HOSPITAL COLORADO PSYCHOPATHIC HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: I was exceedingly sorry not to see you at the Cold Spring Harbor meetings. I think I understand the situation completely and am entirely sympathetic with the way you felt. The meetings were extremely good, hut Fou absence was strongly felt. I am sending you a copy of the paper which I presented there. If you get time, I would very much like to get your reactions to it. I would like to begin trying to set up the arrangements for you to come out here next year, to give the course on Microbial Genetics. I am going to initiate action to raise the necessary funds. If I am suc- cessful, would you be able to make it during the ‘month of June? With every good wish to you and your wife, — Theodore T. Puck, Ph. D. TTP: mk