June 26, 1952 Dear Pontecorvo: I should be# very glad to talk with Roper: I have followed the work you two have been doing with the greatest interest (but have scme reservations as to whether any organism which displays recombination {fs still asexual.) The lab. is likely to be a bit crowded, and I have other commitments for visitors and students next year. Until Roper'’s plans are a bit more definite, I won't be able to tell for sure whether he can be accomodated, but will be glad to discuss 1t with him at any time. There is a potnt of technique in the Aspergillus work I don't quite understand.When conidis. from balanced heterokaryons sem treated with camphor are plated on minimal, diploid proteotrophs are selected. If one did this sort cf experiment with Neurospora, all one could see would be the resynthesis cf heterckargons. How can this be avoided-~ or is anastomosis much rarer in Aspergillus than in Neurospora? If you get hold of the 1961 Cold Spring Hurtor Sypposium , very recently in print, you muy be Interested to see the account of pseudvallelism in E. coli K-12, for factors controlling lactase production. We did not go into it very deeply, but could find nv biochemical distinction bedbech the acticn of the pseudoalleles, although another quite closely linked factor (Lac,} was distinctive. Sincerely,