UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, DEPARTMENT CF GENETICS. VISITING LESOTURESHIP, If arrangements in progress for Dr. Roper, Lecturer in Genetics, to spend one year in U.5.A. will be successful there will be a temporary vacancy for a visiting Lecturer during the Academic Year lst October, 1952-15th June, 1955, The salary will be up to £700, the actual level to be fixed according to qualifications. There are about 3 weeks! vacation at Christmas and again at Easter. The duties will be:- (1) Taking charge, with the assistance of one Assistant and one or two Demonstrators, of the practical classes in elementary genetics (about 20 students). (2) Giving about 20 advanced lectures to the honours and research students on a subject in which the Lecturer is well versed, On the whole, more than half time will be available for research. The facilities of the Department are good for work on the genetics of microorganisms and of Drosophila. The glass-ware and the media are prepared by technical Start and some more skilled technical help is also available. The post is equivalent in status to that of a junior Associate Professor in an American University. Would anyone interested please write me soon. G. Pontecorvo. Head of Department.