THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY PARK @® PENNSYLVANIA Graduate School Committee on Biophysics Whitmore Laboratory March 5, 1962 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Biology Department Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: ~TSy I have been instructed by Jim Nickson, Chairman of the Radio- = biology Subpanel of the NRC to talk to you about the radiation aspects ee of space biology, and in particular specific missions. = I have to report on this by April 19, and I am wondering whether Sey (a) you will be in the East before that date so that we could get \ together at less expense or (b) whether you could suggest some dates when I could spend an hour or two with you. my Kindest regards. . Yours sincefely, —~Qiwe Ernest C. Pollard Professor of Biophysics ECP/1c ce: J. Nickson be Gri — NV hare ry a1 Me, bb Mn sn 4 Mi Apacs Sears Bird hace. Whey tn ges all Cobin, Pllendeigh a Prevveite ? Joby