THE JOSIAH WILLARD GIBBS RESEARCH LABORATORIES YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN 11, CONNECTICUT MAILING ADDRESS BIOPHYSICS DEPARTMENT BOX 2166, YALE STATION NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT June 24, 1960 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical Center Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Many thanks for your letter of June 12, and I think I agree with your position. We will keep you informed as to what we're doing, and I quite understand. I think your points are well taken but I do not believe we really speak so very much for the Democratic National Committee as all that. We are certainly associated with them, but we are separate from them and the only thing that gives us influence with the press is the fact that we are known to represent so large a section of the more liberal Democrats. I am still convinced that this kind of political effort is neces- sary and since one always begrudges the time spent on it, I feel that the more effective the time is the better. I do feel that one gets more rapidly into the influential areas this way than any others and certainly none of us on our committee are doing anything which a vast majority of reputable scientists would not approve of. i was very happy that you showed my letter to Ginzgton and I am in the process of writing back to a long letter from him which was most useful. I always feel good to have direct impressions from anybody in science, particularly on something they feel deeply about. My own personal interest in political activity is nil. I only seek to get those things done expeditiously for science which must be done. Once again, very best wishes. Yours sincerely, Gee, Ernest C. Pollard ECPscw 'D'F Gron"g?