June 4, 1955 Dr. H. H. Plough Department of Biology Anherst College Anherst, Mass. Dear Dr. Plough: Thank you for youb letter of the 31st. Esther and I are looking forward to our first visit to the Amherst campus. You were quite right about the status of our manuacript-- we shall have to work this up over the summer after the meeting. Our plan is for me to speak from rough notes, as I did at Oak Ridge, but more briefly. The best I can tell you of the probable content of our paper is that it will cover much the same ground as my talk last year at Oak Ridge and my ar ticle in Physiological Reviews (Océ. 1952). There will not be mich reference to unpublished results except perhape on traneduction of the Lp-Gal complex in E. coli, which was already mentioned last year and in a Genetics abstr., 393984. Yours sincerely, _ Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics