\YAC THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BIRGE HALL March 6, 1961 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: Thank you for your note r.e. the H-ct4 thymidine effect, Please forgive me for my laxity in not sending you reprints. The data reported in NATURE have since been confirmed in an additional repeat experiment. Moreover, the enhancement effect cannot be obtained with tritiated water, suggesting that the internal pres€ute of H7>TDN in chromosomal INA is the critical factor. It is my guess that the effect is more likely to be due to steric phenomena (as you suggest) than to radiation; however, this guess is based only on the fact that the actual number of H3 decays invélved in our experiments is fairly small. The combined effects of H°TDN and chloramphenicol (see enclosed B,B.A. reprint) are as easily reconciled with a structural scheme as with a radiation damage model at our present level of ignorance, Your suggestion of trying D-thymidine is excellent and wn would lead to a technically simple experiment. Do you happen oe he to know of a convenient source of deuterated thymidine? «— 9° I am sorry that I did not find the time to visit you at «* Stanford last month when I spent a few days on the West Coast. pi I hope the opportunity will arise again. fr ( a With best regards to We feo Assoc. Prof. of Zoology WPsyvv re