vhs saan t C8 Thursday, April 6,196? THE WASHINGTON POST Hermann J. Muller Dies at 7 6:| Discovered Perils of Radiation : By Howard Simons "“" Washington Post Staff Writer -Nobel Prize winner Dr. Her- mann J. Muller, 76, the Ameri- can-born scientist who discov- ered that radiation can cause héreditary changes, died yes- térday in Bloomington, Ind. He had been hospitalized for sev- eral months with a heart con- dition. »Dr. Muller was small in size, five feet three inches, but large in stature as a scientist. He was one of the world’s fore- most geneticists. ~In addition to his pioneering work on radiation’s genetic ef- fects, Dr. Muller also discov- ‘ered that most mutations— changes in the characteristics of-plants and animals that can be passed on to their offspring . —are lethal. -And he was a leading ex- ponent of sperm banks—reser- voirs of the male sperm cell frozen for use by artificial in- semination at a future date. . Dr. Muller’s ideas often were controversial. And he, himself, often was at the center of con- troversy. Derided Lysenko * He went to Russia in 1933 to work at the famed Moscow In- stitute of Genetics. At that time, Dr. Muller thought com- munism a likely hope for man- kind. After four years at the Institute, he sensed the in- creasing power of pseudo- geneticist Trofim Lysenko. Dr. Muller left Russia in 1937. *, AS one after another of Dr. Muller’s bona fide gencticist friends were sent to Russian Jabor camps, he became a bit- ‘ter foe of communism and Ly- senko. . Lysenkoism, which domi- nated and damaged Russian biology for more than two decades, has since lost favor in a riper ett Associated Press DR. HERMANN J, MULLER . Russia. But it is only now that Russian genetics is recovering from the “charlatan” Lysenko, as Dr. Muller once tagged him. Dispute with AEC Eighteen years later, in 1955, Dr. Muller tangled with the Atomic Energy Commission over the crude way the then excessively sensitive and se- cret agency prevented him from delivering a scientific pa- per at the United Nations At- oms-for-Peace Conference in Geneva. He was going to talk about what he knew best: “How Radiation Changes the Genet- ic Constitution.” It was a sub- ject that had taken on enor- mous significance once the full impact of fallout from nu- clear testing became known. Though Dr. Muller’s paper did not draw econelusions about the genetic damage from atomic testing, the . AEC thought otherwise. On other occasions, Dr. Mul- ler did speak out about the/ dangers from radiation to mankind's future. Like most, if not all geneticists, he never subscribed to the idea that there is a tolerable level of radiation. Rather, for geneti- cists, any amount of radiation is potentially harmful to fu- ture generations, whether the radiation comes from atomic testing or X-ray machines. Reduced X-Ray Danger Indeed, it was largely through Dr. Muller’s sub- sequent efforts as a member of a National Academy of Sciences’ committee that the radiation dose from medical X-ray machines has been greatly reduced in the United States. It was in 1927 that Dr. Mul- ler drew attention of world biologists by disclosing that genes, the carriers of heredity, ean be artifically altered by X-rays. Over the next 20 years his landmark research was re- peatedly confirmed. In 1946. he received the Nobel Prize for the discovery. But not all Dr. Mulier’ Ss scientific thrusts — and he thrust often — met with uni- versal welcome. His sperm bank proposal, for example, invited some criticism. It was his idea, variously expressed at different times, that the sperm of the great and glori- ous should be collected, stored, and then used to per- petuate a kind of better civili- zation. The idea seemed totalitarian to some thinkers. And curious- ly, Mr. Muller, who scorned the distorted genetics of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, now was attacked for his ap- proach to eugenics. Nonetheless, other persons defend Mr, Muller’s point of view. One of his former stu-|*: dents, geneticist and educator H. Bentley Glass, for example, suggests that future -develop- ments in the control of the reproductive process will. go far beyond sperm banks to include, ova banks; transplant- able embryos and even “the bottle babies of (Aldous) Hux- ley’s ‘Brave New World.’” “What Dr. Muller was pro-i pounding, says Glass, was the idea that less moral nations might try to create a race of “supermen” through this means and if this were to suc- ceed it would “set a mark like Sputnik to terrify the rest of the world.” Columbia “Boy Wonder” Being a cranky conscience of genetics and the social im- plications of scientific discov- ery, was Dr. Muller’s mark. So, too, was his sense of wit.)} He once said that the evolu- tion of his hair was from brown to gray to bald. Dr. Muller was born in New York City and was educated |' at Columbia University where] }} he was one of three “boy won- ders,” who Thomas Hunt Morgan cata- pulted American genetics in- to a leading world position. From Columbia he went to Texas where he did his prize-'' winning research, and from Texas to Germany-and Russia and Scotland. Then, back to the United States and Am. herst College. Finally, in 1945 Dr. Muller became a profes- sor at Indiana University in Bloomington. He is survived by his wife, Dorothea; a son, David, pro- fessor of mathematics at the University of Illinois; and a daughter, Mrs. K. Moe Hunt, whose husband teaches at the University of Hawaii. + with Nobelist)|: | | i Ma fiel Wat dau Sar L. |