October 31, 1949. Dr. Bernard Davis, ‘Tbe Reasearch Labs, 431 E 69 Steeet, New York 21, N. Y. Dear Bernie: I don't know whether I'l] see you in Chicago this weekend, but I thought I'd better write concerning the "Bacterial Genetics Course" at Caltech. Beadle has probably already written you something about it. When I received your letter, I had already begun corres- pondense with Berkeley about visiting Cal next summer. Beadle wrote nothing for some time, and in the interval, arrangenents were prac- tieally eompleted. I just wrote to Cal that I would accept a visiting appointment which would run from August 1 through the middle of Sep- tember. Under the circumstances, it is very doubtful that I will be able to participate in your proposed course this summer, even if it were held early. However, I hope to eee Beadle in a few weeks, and will discuss it in detail with him. If the course is going to be repeated in 1951, I think that I will be glad to go in on it. Thanks for sending the mutants: there was more there than I could use. No information én them yet. I do think that we have picked up another crossing strain of E, coli, and a couple of Salmonella species likewise. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg That was a very interesting paper in Experientda (Lu showed me MS).