7 ®. ‘ ’ Poa ean ren one September 18, 1993 Mr. James 8B. O'Connell Managing Edi} tor THINK Magazine 590 Madison Avenue New York 22, New York Bear Mr. O'Connell: Thank you for your letter of September 12. | appreciate your interest, which ts-rere; in the significance of exoblology. However, I have already expressed my views on several occasions and doubt that | can add to these reflections, or to the well-formed consensus of my colleagues, e.g. the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sclences In several reports. There Is, however, another area of crucial] Interest that warrants much closer attention then It has so far received, either from sclentists or community leaderships. 1! refer to the Impending evolutionary crisis which arises from the application of blological sclerice to man himself. If this topic Is worth thinking about In more sober tones than the dally press repeatedly shouts, | would be glad to arrange an Interview. The format of your interview with General Clay would suit very well; that | Is, explicit quotation, so there can be no confuslton between my own remarks and your reporter's Interpretation. | hope It fs not a fatuous suggestion that your reporter have some background In blology to give 8s serious account of such matters, as you would say, of U.S. fiscal policy from an Interview with Secretary Dillon. Cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Ji:as —-*