September 20, 1963 Or. Pauling Department of Chemistry California Institute of Technology Pasadena 4, Call fornia Dear Or. Pauling: Would you have 8 place in your anesthesia program for an able Japanese neurochemist who is most angious to see science In the U.S.7 Main limitation - his spoken English was primitive, but I suspect he has been studying diligently. He has actually made some significant contributions in the study of brain proteins (curare-binding and now phenothiazine-bindIng), and he plainly could be beautifully comple- mentary to the other sclentific capabllitiles in your laboratory. If | had as explicitly focussed a problem as anesthesia going in my own laboratory, | would happily take him on here. Our present situation, however, calls for a rather higher degree of autonomous responsibility than | could confide In him with the language problem. Kumamoto Is as remote a place research-wise as you could find, and { was especially Impressed what Kiyota could accomplish in the circum- stances. : Yours truly, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:as Enclosure: Curriculum vitae J. Neurochem. 9:555 (1962)