AVA HELEN PAULING and LINUS PAULING 3500 Fairpoint St., Pasadena, California a During recent months the international situation has changed in such a way as to increase the danger of war. France has carried out nuclear explosions and other nations too may soon have stockpiles of nuclear weapons. There is discussion of the plan of turning nuclear weapons over to NATO and there exists the possibility that the Warsaw Pact nations would also be given these weapons. We feel that it is necessary that a vigorous effort be made to prevent these actions, and we have written the Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons that is reproduced below. Will you join us in signing this Appeal? We are asking some men and women in every country in the world to sign. We plan to present the Appeal to the United Nations and the various national governments, with the list of names of signers, early in February. p fea oe, Hele Ruy of AN APPEAL TO STOP THE SPREAD OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS To the United Nations and to all nations in the world: We, the men and women whose names are signed below, believe that stockpiles of nuclear weapons should not be allowed to spread to any more nations or groups of nations. (Suryy The world is now in great danger. A cataclysmic nuclear war might break out as the result of some terrible accident or of an explosive deteri- oration in international relations such that even the wisest national leaders would be unable to avert the catastrophe. Universal disarmament has now become the essential basis for life and liberty for all people. ~y é The difficult problem of achieving universal disarmament would become far more difficult if more nations or groups of nations were to come into possession of nuclear weapons, We accordingly urge that the present nuclear powers not transfer nuclear weapons to other nations or groups of nations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the Warsaw Pact group, that all nations not now possessing these weapons voluntarily refrain from obtaining or developing them, and that the United Nations and all nations increase their efforts to achieve total and universal disarmament with a system of international controls and inspection such as to insure to the greatest possible extent the safety of all nations and all people. Please cut this off, sign, and airmail at once to us at the above address I sign the Appeal to Stop the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Name Address