PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Department of Biology 17 December 1964 Mr. Frederick H. Murphy, President Holden-Day, Inc. 728 Montgomery Street San Francisco 11, California Dear Mr. Murphy: Many thanks for your letter gf 18 November stating Holden-Day's interest in publishing "Biology in the Exploration of Mars." I_havd¢@ delayed in responding to your several que“tic the hope that the matter of publicatj would he\settled shortly. The decision as ther to publish through a commercial ho have the Academy itself publish is one whic It is a question in a at the moment and ly there is still no clear decision, / Wave dedidéd to drop you this note now rather the pos ne any further answering your kind Testery NM a It {/my h that the whole matter of where and how to \pablis ill be settled by the appropriate authorities wi in’ the Academy in the next few weeks and I assure you that if the decision is taken to publish through a commercial house, you will hear promptly from us. o th g ® Ke o ® & M o 2 Fh al poo Yblep vettid With kind regards, Sincerely rs, Colin S. Pittendrigh CSP:bl J Professor of Biology CC: Dr. Joshua Lederberg | Dr. Daniel Mazia Mr. J.P.T. Pearman