STATENS SERUMINSTITUT AMAGER BOULEVARD 80 Pa ; : COPENHAGEN, S. DENMARK: ‘ mL , an ' The International Escherichia Centre DIRECTOR: P. VON MAGNUS, MB. - . . .. TELEGRAMS: STATSSERUM : can , : Re Yo TELEPHONE: ASTA:- 284.77 > March 21,1962 Professor Joshua Lederberg . MG ~ Dept.of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Palo Alto,California Dear Esther and Josh, Here ave some few prints from my too short stay in Palo Alto Octo- ber last year.el am surprised that it is possible to make such ra-« ther nice prints from such poor diapositives;they were all of them taken at the time of sunset.How I enjoyed those days. I understand from the invitation that Dr. Kauffmann received some days ago from Luria that I (or we) shall not get a chance to see you this year at the workshop. (We saw your name and thas of Tino on the list).By the way Kauffmann declined the invitation,he says that be is too old for that type of m eeting.But we shall hos for next year then.Till then we should have collected some more data on the socalled thermolabile coli antisens (L,M and others) cee including the fertility factors. : ~ The systematic coli © antigen polysaccaride analysis which we carry out in collaboration with Dr.Westphal since last sumuer Le should also be more complete next year. an We feel that our work here prorresses guite well. “ur collabo- ration with Hirota has already been rewarding.The two R factors which we have examined up till now have deepgoing influences on the surface Dppoperties of receptor strains.Also influences ~~ Dn & on theYf+ entigen,. We had our first electron micrographs of coli K+ orzanisms covered with ferritin cbnjugated K+ antibody some few weeks ago and hone next wack to ret the first pictures of t*s lo c'tion of the F f+ antircens This was just some few romarks about our work here right now. Life is rather quiet cn¢ we enjoy our new home and hone that sprine will soon come. Tf this Istter is send on to Japan piease give our very best rerarcds to Tino. Yours L [komo Wn, Wty