duly 3, 1963 Or. Frank Srink, Jr., Chel roan President's Comsittee on the National Medal of Sclence National Sclence Foundation Washington 25, 0. C. Bear Or. Brink: Or. Tracy Sonneborn of Indlena University has Just written me concerning his mosination of H. J. Muller for the National Neda! of Science, which i an most happy to endorse. te tells me that he had already quoted me in extenso In support of his own momination of Dr. Muller, and it aay therefore be unnecessary for me to edd any additional language. There can be no question. of the correspondence of Muller's career to the criter!s for candidacy that your letter enunc!l ated. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Jt: edf fp ce: Dr. T. . Sonmeborn — «6 “fe /: £ . ( : yl Delighted to concur - this should speak for Itself. AL Leunebein MM Ll te