LUFTPOST PAR AVION International Salmonella & Escherichia Centre. STATENS SERUMINSTITUT DIRECTOR: J. @RSKOV, M.D. COPENHAGEN 8. — DENMARK TELEPHONE: ASTA 2817 TELEGRAMS: STATSSERUM, COPENHAGEN July 16°", 1958. Prof. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin ToS.A. Dear Josh., Thanks for the letter. I hope we shall get a nice tour through Sweden. We shall expect you with S.A.S. flight 566 from Paris Saturday, August 2 and shall pick you up at the airport. As we shall be in my fathers country house in the days before your arrival, our home address willnot be of much help. Please send any short notic message to the institute, which has day and night service and which will forward it to us very quickly. The Cable address of the institute is " Statsserum", Copenhagen. b Yours Ida & Frits.