RUTGERS UNIVERSITY The State University of New Jersey INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY CHarter 7-1766 Dear Esther and Josh, bisiness ; (I) experiment # 269 was in three parts - unlabelled as to subparts = with three crosses with diploid isolations: Was Fae Wirey W2S7p eR Rtas wig x * yw ?> é i (2) concerning Gal 7 of W583 (which I was given with the label Gal a): ae W 583 and W 2406 were both mixed for Ipo and I selected the one which was given in the book - both cultures were singled by me (but these would be derivatives of the master stocks) be /322/#4d W 206 never tested on EMB galactose since W 583 X W 2406 gave Gal + recombinants ~ Ce unusual G1 fermentation color of Hts IV-2.and IV-76 is recorded in my notes but attributed to medium differences (?) de 'reversions'of Hts IV=2 and IV-76 were never back-crossed as far as can find in my notes Thus a Gal=slow in 206 is not ruled out by my data. As noted in my book 583 was called G,l a because it was not yet sure that it was Gal 7 - something to do with ability or inability to be transduced, (3) wrote library re book which should have been returned thru usual channels ~ I found it the morning I took off for Cal and left it to be returned but apparently it never was (4) nothing new here research wise (5) by Parisian (ieme) informant and from CSH < Jacob has tirrefutable proof? of partial transmission in Kl2 - as near as Ll can figure what he does is this: cook cross in buffer or broth/£6¢/tdty1, withdraw aliquots as function of time, pop into “sring blendor, plate for recombinants and test for battery of unselected markers ~< findings: longer ane cooks before blending the tee the frequency of recombs with unselected marker derived from F+ or, rather, Hfr) parent CSH very excited about this according to Werner Braun = but I pointed out that this is solely a coitus interruptus experiment and progves nothing about the normal mechanism except that one can chop up the chromosome with a Waring blendor - apparently Yvonne L.nni has done the same thing with phage (using two marked phage and blendor). other (I) was at CSH phage grad = Gus Yoermann fell and broke his elbow = had to have bone chip removed but is recovering uneventfully according to late reports (2) saw Seymour - he and Susie Mayr quite thick by criterion of squirting each other with water pistols all day - no discussion of science (34 rumor that Koger R id of ONR will be next director here _ Bernie Davis turned up with wife at CSH - runor that he left her waiting at the church also rife - but apparently the wedding did come off (5) Braun is foaming at mouth here because anti-genetics faction (everyone but Waclaw, Braun, and myself) maintains: "nucleus has nothing to do with cell growth, metabolism, etce" "chromosomes are waste products of cell metablosim - made up of alkaline phosphatase condensed on unspecific protein and metaphosphate" "mutants are due to different conditions of nutrition of the céll" (6) point brought up at Brookhaven: re Demerec et al linear subgenic structure - only one found for each amino acid in Salmonella but there are loci scattered over all the chromosomes in Neurospora = why? answer by Davis or Hotchkiss - maybe several pathways of synthesis of amino acids in Neurospora (but then why does a mutation at one point close down the cell?) Waclaw, Braun, and. I got to talking - prposed-that amino acid, etce, is not merely synthesized at a given locus (or structural mechmism of synthesis determined at that locus) but also incorporated into a pre-fab sub-unit of cellular structure - thus each locus is indispensible but externally supplied amino acid, etc, can be used - to test this idea labelled amino acid would be fed to several mutants and resultant myelium fractionated for strectural components - ‘celd walls, mitochondria: (?), ratio of labelled to total: #6#4/ amino acid should vary in different fractions, furthermore, unlabelled -compenent should be found (but diffieult to test fih¢d¢' obviously) What do you think of the idea?