Mee July 7, 1955 Dr. T. C. Nelson Institute of Microblology Rutgers University New Brunswick, N.J. Dear Tom: Thank you for the postcard notes. I think the myséery is cleared up. I had been concerned why both Esther and I had dAvariably gotten G. hemizygotes while you had heterozygotes. Our individual results were too consistent to explain this by variability in elimination pattern. It tums out that W-2406 was mixed, and consisted about 50% (or more) of a Gal-slpw type. (At least the culture now in stab looks this way). The apparent Gal, heterozygotes are actually not segregating Gal,-, but this slow-fermen ting type, which looks quite different from - when compared side by side on EMB Gal. This slow fermenter is also Galy+ by transduction tests. So 1t would appear that your crosses were actually: Het Gal,,* Gal,- x Gal, Gal,+ to give three kinds of diploids: a b . c Gal_,+ Gals +/~ Gal,+ Gale +/+ and Gal,- Gale +/~ The aatter corresponds to your two G. "homozygotes"—~ they revert to give a Stock which is segregating Gals, not a‘'full Gal-/ ‘he full Gal+ diploids are (b) and most of the heterozygous diploids are (a). We are now concerned to try to verify again that gal, 1s not dech&tving us, i.e., to be sure that so called Gal, heterosygotes are really segregating Gal, +and Gal ~ since Gal, now remains as the only Gal which is not eliminate. Transduction tests should help to verify this point. Za I am still confuded about #269. Your postcard said that this was W2593 x Wel324; your notes gave 269 as W-2251 x Wel324. Is either or both correct? Yours sincerely,