April 2, 1952 Dear Tome I have the PHS documents, and will take care of same right away. I hepe you weren't too disappointed about Merck-- I had never thought tov auch about that prospect. Of course you should apply for the PHS fellwwship, you will have to evaluate the ris¥s yourself. I do hope you make; we should have a lively group here next year, with a coupld of other postdoos. (from England-—- on their ov steam). Let me know before you do anything too drastic out of discouragement, As to your paper, I wonder if your two masters ars not already enough. Moat of my comusnts sbout the paper still hold, and I don't see that it would do any good to amplify them. If you want to include kinetic data, you ought to revéhe the title. I don't think this type of reemphasis is going to mean very much re Delbruck's misfortunes, and if they can repro- duce your resulte under your conditions, why where's the quarpel? Why don't you refer to Glifton's paper? I haven't received your cultures just yet, but expect them. As to the genetis data, I've only gone over the first cross #1177 x B6. There looks to be a fairly straight- forward linkage of ‘s'' to Xyl; less directly to Mal and 3 (see Newcome and Nyholm 1950: Am. Nat.) If the other data agree, why don't you simply report this table and the results of pairwise contingency tests. I am a little sour about ‘mapping in the Mal-Xyl neighborhood until we can get the segmental alimifation cleared up, in relation to F. Your analysia of Hayos is almost exactly what 1 wrote to him myself. He has a second paper in press (Mature) on the Texas effect [which works on the 58161, aot +677 -— F?] where he gently drops the idea of the phage gamete. The reat of it@is just quibbling, (I don't mean so mich Hayes! speculations, which he*ds entitied toc, and whose force is limited by his own backgroum:, but the Parisian acceptance or distortion by people who ought to know better. “hols ewerybody in Faris: Ravin, Harriett and who else?) Esther's statanents about nonlysogenic crosses are not explicitly directed at this question: UGB-1; Genetics 36:560. However, J thought I exphasized them at CSH lest summer, and I discussed thd question in detail with Monod in correspondence some time ago. Your light effect sounde most exciting. I have not so far been able to demonstrate any hormonal interactions (barring the genetic effect of F+). Also rutin, which is a potent inhibitor of sexuality in Chlamydozcnas and Faraythia (Kuhn-Moewus) has no effect whatever in coli, This does not exclude a biochemical approach. The F story does look like it's turning into a scheme of relative sexuality: F+ stocks are interfertile depending on the difference in their "potency". (Maybe. ) Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg