CABLE ADDRESS "MOTA" IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO, ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LIMITED CHALK RIVER PROJECT CHALK RIVER, ONT. November i1, 1960 Professor J. Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center PALO ALTO, California Dear Joshua: Many thanks for your letter of October 25. Iam delighted to hear of the consanguinity study and to know something of the way in which you are carrying it out. Our own files of vital records are still much too limited for us to tackle the identification of consanguineous marriages, However,” outs be extended in this direction in the future since only two generations of marriage registration forms are required to correctly identify a marriage of first cousins. With all best wishes, Yours sincerely, HBN/lh H. B. Newcombe Head, Biology Branch Iman $ gears we 'O'H f