Lie CS ( \ APR April 7, 1964 Prof. Marvin Minsky Computing Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge Mass. Dear Marvin: John McCarthy tells me you have decided not to accept our offer. I am extremely sorry to hear that. We'll keep you very much in mind, and hope for better luck another time. John also said that you might be interested in visiting Stanford during your second semester and summer of 1965. I would be delighted to see you here, and feel sure that we could make an offer of a visiting professorship for such a period. Whether the offer would be solely from Computer Science, or partly from Genetics, would depend on what you wanted to do during that period. 1 hope you would teach one course or seminar during our ten week spring quarter of 1965 (April and May). I hope to hear from you soon, confirming your plans for 1965. Sincerely yours, George E. Forsythe GEF :dcs cc: YJ. Lederberg J. McCarthy H. Royden G 1964 942795 wep