11/22/56 Prophage—exogenéte relations in .... =TII 1) Suggestions for title? 2. Lpt —x Lps : a. all lysogenies::any rs? lambda as vector.(Z7,I) 3. HFT: ditto. “Needa reconstruction for comparable multiplicity with 2. 4. Relative eot, HFT, uFT —x Lps, Lp+ . Effect of UV 5. HFT --x results: a. aii heterogenotes? b. Lprs, Lp+ exclusively (No Lps. No Lpt+/s) c. Segregation behavipr of Lprs d. Inducibility: no latbda; no Gal+; lysis (cf Lops Kellenberger) e. interference: TAr 6. Lprs x-- (di-exogenotics ) 7. The primary transdiction clones: also look for Gal- Lprs homogenotes from +--x - . 8. Crosses MLM, Jiy PML data put togsther rh ee (8b 7? transduction by Pl) 9. Lph —x Lps, Lp+., Lp+/Lp+; Lprs effect of av 10. Lp+ —x Lp” (2a) Li. Hecapitulate data on growth analysis from MorselV. mh - ip % wa ga ta et ~Y