October 1, 1956 Dr. F. Kellenberger Geneva Dear Dr. Kellenber ger: Thank you for your letter of September 27, and for the reprints on L-forms recently received. I was, of course, unaware of this work until now and have been pleased to see it. The main advantage of calling the Qlobular forms "p-otoplasts” may be as a basis of persuading Spiegelman and others to shift to this mterial for the physiological studies theyg had been doing before with B, megaterium, I am concerned to call more explicit attention to the rich literature on L-forms, and their relationships to my "protoplasts" which may npt have been sufficiently emphastied. I have therefore submitted the enclosed note as a sort of postscript to the ms. you alreedy have. Recehtly we have been learning to produce and grow the L-forms of F. cold K-12. There is a great deal of individual strain specificity, and finigkiness about media, in this and we still don't have a thorough picture. Our cbjectives are those already indicated in the first ms.; in general, the genetic properties of the L-forms (and, if they occur, the genetic basis of the irreversible L form.) Your remarks about your student's work on Gal transduction are somewhat puzzling, and I will defer comment until we have studied them further. Are you dealing with transductions within the K~12 line? (My wife had noticed some deviations in the behavior of transductions among different E. coli strains). We have never observed "stable immunes" coming out of transductions to Ly® recipients. However. an Lp-"immune" heterogenote (hypothetically designated as: Gal- Lp® ex/ Gal~ Lp’) can give rise, in addition to Gal+ and Gal” haploid, Lp® ; segregyants to another class which (in the sams notation Gal- Lp® ex/ Gal7 Lp®) is now pure for Gal~ and still immune, but actually homogenotic for Gal, and unstable for the immne charac- ter. I.u., the immune Gal7 invariablg segregate sensitive Gal™, and also meet other tests for being homogenétic for Gal (e.g., reversion followed by segrem tion). Does this contradict your findings? We have some problem of comaunication here, is Dr. Morse has now moved to the Dept. Biophysics, Univ. Colorado Med. Ctr., Denver 20, Colorado. It would be very helpful af you could send another copy of your informative correspondence to him for his comment, which would be easier than if I have to copy your letters. Yours sincerely, / i . i | Wdoshuad Lederberg - v Professor of Geretice