SEP 6 1955 CONFIDENTIAle=please quote by paraphrase only. Notes on a pooposal for Colorado, 1. Bases of development of medical genetics, A, To make the first and second appointments in bacterial genetics may m.. that field undue weight unless there is reasonable prospect of enlerging the sv. within three to five years, On the other hand, to import « working team is probab., the surest way of maintaining research preductivity. My own hopes would be to round out the department within that time with a) a clinical geneticist and b) a worker in experimental memmalinn genetics, These need not be unicwe appointments within this department; if the appropriate officers vere congenial to the idea, Dr. a) might be shared with Medicine; b) perhaps with Blophysies, This perhaps raises the question whether there are not alreacy setups that :algnt be administratively integreted with Genetics, through joint appointments or otherwise, This nicht raise budgetary problems, and personal ones; what would you and Ted thint: ahout procedure there? I don't Inow— would some of the Blood Bank work tie in? Let ne make 1% clear that ov first interest in this respect would be to bglp us run a progran in creduate (perheps also medicel?) education, Perhaps “erore getting inte suci. « ticklish affair, I better showld have your counsel o- "otherviie" errenjrements, An inportent question then: what are the real prospects for two additional appointecs in a reasonable time? There will >. the question of space Sucil4ties eo, especially for b}; the present allotmens would not be quite enouci. Herets & chance to use & crystal ball, b, A nore seasondsle epproaci., perhups, would ve to ovdag in Be.c) richt away. The trouble is, he is « rare vird, and I aust don'’ lmow if oayons really very good is availzhis right now, I have two or turee poospeess ia mine, anc may have some move when anu if we yet to this bridge, atc This pies would prevably be especiully ujyrupriate if prospects af farther silangement ire dinner