SEP 95 1963 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE 39, MASSACHUSETTS September 4, 1963 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I don't know a name for your series. But you could call it "Hanoi". For it is precisely the order in which pieces are moved to solve the pyramid puzzle, called "Tower of Hanoi". KNS VI YW The solution, your series, is essentially unique, except for back- tracking. I don't know anything about your generating process, which might be represented as Hn _ . 2 - l= (n) ,KOR(n 1), or Hn = log[(R)XOR(n - 1) + 1] Sincerely, ~ t afar "9 ma Wauw-m pe Marvin Minsky 7 ny MM: cs ae : YY manana, ny pee ark ae? =a a _— pn a umes a B MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ne , CAMBRIDGE 39, MASSACHUSETTS. U. S.A. weer M. Minsky F Tech. Sq. - 817 545 Main Street