January 7, 1960 Dr. Avrion Mitchison Department of Zoology University of Edinburgh West Mains Road Edinburgh 9, Scotland Dear Av: We were happy to find your aerogramme of the 26th on our return from Mexico. It looks as If we really Should get together, at least over the phone, when | pass through London a week, Sunday. But | was wrong on one point: 1 will only be in London over Sunday night and could then try to reach you from Bruce Stocker's home. His phone number there, should this be of any use to you, is MAC 3708. | have your numbes at 21 Castle Street, as CAL 4136 -- if this is wrong please let me know by mail In care of Stocker at Lister. Actually, | think that this year might just work out very well. We have some new labs which should be ready well before the end of June so we would have a good place to put you up- Mel Cohn has asked me to reaffirm his offer of your travel expenses in connection with the next meeting of the antibody group. In addition to that we can offer you 35,000 as a stleend to cover an appointment as Visiting Assoclate Professor of Genetics. ! mention this for preparation and we could discuss the details later this month, and hopefully in a personal meeting Im April. Hoping to be in touch with you, Yours as ever, Joshua Lederberg