Jamuary 18, 1951. Dr. S. F. Darling, Department of Chenistry, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis. Dear Dr. Darling: Thank you for your shipment of 160 gas. of cellobiose, just reeeived, and for your letter deseribing some of the other compounds you have on hand. I would appreciate it if you could suggest a price for the following, if they are available: L-rhannogse 25 ~ 50 g. L-arabinose 50 = 100 g. D-arabinose 10 g. I am also curious about the beta-methyl L~arabinogide. Dr. Link and I had some discussion about the terminology of the rentosides which leaves open the possibility that this refers to a compound homozerphous with lactose. At one time, one of his students misunderstood what I was seoking and prepared the sompondd so named, mep. 169°, but which is the melibiose homomorph. I think his preparation involved condensation with MeOH in the presence of HCl. The lactose analogue, in which I an interested, probably could be made without too mach trouble from acetobrom-arabinose, If this happens to be what you have, I would like very mich to tap your supply. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Asacelate Professor of Geneties