UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, THE ASHWORTH LABORATORY WEST MAINS ROAD, EDINBURGH, 9 TEL. 42080 PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY: MICHAEL SWANN, M.A, PH.D. 13th February, 1957 Dear Joshua, First, I shall certainly be here on Saturday March Zird, and possibly also on the Friday and Sunday. I shall be expecting you on the Saturday, will leave the day free, and will ring Waddington up for the latest news. It will be a very great pleasure for me to see you and your wife again. Second, I felt very honored that you should be looking out for a job for me. I enclose curriculum vitae and bibliography; but right now you woul? bs wasting your tire looking, for the following reason. This summer Lorna Martin and 4 are getting married. We have discussed the possibility of moving to the USA together. She has not been there, and would like to have the chance of locking before deciding anything definite. Fortunately we are in a position to do just this, because Harvard has been kind enough to arrange for me to give a course February~-June next year. Consequently I might be on the look-out in about 18 months time, but not before. I should also say, in confidence, thet Harvard indicated that they might have a more permanent job for me as an embryologist. This tempted me greatly, partly because of Jim “atson's company. Yes, the polyploidy in the H-segregations is certainly a complication. Recently I have been inducing a series of Leukaemias, in order to provide ascites material which should | make the cytology easier. The Kleins seem to be about to do much the same e xperiment. ‘ton Lor Dari