nov 2.0 1963 The Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine Chairman of the Governing Body : CHELSEA BRIDGE ROAD PROFHSsSOR SIR CHARLES Dopbs, M.V.O., M.D., P.R.C.P., F.R.S. ; Hon. Treasurer : LONDON, S.W.1. Stk HuGH BEAVER, K.B.E, Director: Telegrams : "Bacteriology, Sowest, London” PROFESSOR A. A, MILES, C.D.E., M.D, F.R.C.P., F.R.5. Telephone: SLOang 218) 16th November 1963. Dear Josh, Elinor and I have recently finished the draft of a textbook on microbiological technique which is to be published by the Cambridge University Press. This is mostly at Dip. Bact. level and we should very much like to include copyright material from three of your papers, if you would agree. This includes: a. Tetrazolium agar, Journal of Bacteriology, 6, 695. b, Minimal EMB agar, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 35, 178. c. The five amino-acid pools used for igentification of auxotrophs, from Methods in Medical Research, 3, 5. We will write to the respective editors or publishers but we should be extremely grateful for:-your permission to use this material in our book, . With kind regards, \ Yours sincerely, kv . ) . Guy , 2 G.G. Meynell. M.D. . pat ae an 9" [3 hai