LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE INCORPORATING THE ROSS INSTITUTE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) Telephones: Museum 3041 (4 lines} KEPPEL STREET Langham 7621(5 lines/ , Telegrams: (GOWER STREET) Hygower Westcent London LONDON, W.C.1. 13th March 1960. Dear Esther, I wonder if you could possibly help me by giving me some salmonella strains for my work with the x phage, It seems to me that, where there is any doubt about the susceptibility of bacteria carrying particular antigens, the clearest way of testing them is to put them into a monophasic susceptibile strain. My best susceptible strains are in Groups B and D and I am looking for donor strains in these Groups so that I can use phage P22. Have you by any chance any P22- sensitive strains with antigens: k, y, Zog2 2,9, lv, lw or 1,6 ? And I wonder if, in particdtar, you still have, and could send mes Salm, zega CDC -317 and the monophasic paratyphi B SW 999 which has Ze in place of 1,2. It would be awfully good of you if you could manage this as at the moment I am rather stuck with this part of the paper I am writing. We are both looking forward very much to seeing you here next month. Yours sincerely, r ~ L (uw én [> coe Elinor Meynell. Lat