April 16, 1965 Dr. Peter Medawar National Institute for Medical Research The Ridgway Mill Hill London, N.W. 7, England Dear Peter: This letter ig to introduce someone whom I feel you would want to know, Dr. Anthony Edwards, recently with Luca Cavalli at Pavia and visiting for the semester in our department. He is an outstandingly able statistician and demographic geneticist. You may know his review on sex ratio that appeared not long ago in Advances in Genetics. _ > I am taking the initiative in writing you, with Edwards' concordance —— rather than at his request, on the basis of our common interest in his field, and with the thought you would want to know some of the history of his dealings with the Atlas computer center at Oxford. He is also quite knowledgeable about the precarious state of computation in Britain generally, and you can well Judge what this will mean for demographic research. Edwards is making a brief visit for an interview for a position in statistics at Aberdeen, and for this he will be in London the first week in May (arriv- ing April 28 from Pavia, where he will be from the 2lst). He will call your office soon after he reaches London to find if it will be convenient for you to see him. AVM vy 2 Yl Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics