OCT MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 9 1963 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, THE RIDGEWAY, MILL HILL, LONDON, N.W.7. Telegrams: *NATINMED, LONDON, N.W.7. Telephone: MILL HILL 3666 PRIVY COUNCIL oth October, 1963. Dear Joshua, I have been bombarded by invitations from, apparently, the whole West Coast of America, arising out of my visit to San Francisco, but an invitation from you is something quite different! As far as I know, I have no engagement over lunch- time and the early afternoon of Friday, October 18th (there is a Press Conference later that day). Hitherto, I have declined every single invitation on the grounds that all my time should properly be put at the disposal of my hosts. I feel pretty sure it would be quite all right with Martin Shearn*, the general organiser, if I were to steal away midday on Friday, and if this would, in fect, suit you, would you leave a note for me in the Fairmont Hotel to await my arrival? I really must not miss this opportunity to see you again. veuva a Yours ever, Dr. J. Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Palo Alto, California. *Olympic 36121