UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Telephone : EUSton 7050 GOWER. STREET WCI Professor P. B. Medawar 15th December, 1960. Dear Joshua, Very many thanks for puttins me onto the Holman reference about "second set" reactions. I did know about this work, but too late to workpinto any of my public lectures. Asa matter of fact, I have never understood the fuss that people have made over this so-called second set reaction, because the principle underlying it was really established by the tumour transplanters in the early 190's! My own | demonstration owed its importance mainly to the fact that old Leo Loerb hed flatly denied that anything of the kind occurred with homosrafts of normal tissue, Anyhow, I shall certainly work in a reference to Holman at the next suitable opvortunity. I got back from Stockholm last nicht in a somewhat stuporose. conditions George Klein was in sood form and his young people are daing excellent work. If it is not sn altogether ridiculous ambition, I am rather looking forward to undertaking a little scientific research myself in the not too distant future! Yours ever, Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Medical Center, okt Palo Alto, Your uu cw Ine Cromoney Ut « Celifornia. :