24 Oct 60 Dear Joshua, I was absolutely delighted to get your telegram - and do please make an opportunity to thank Dr. Kornberg too. If you have time, please dictate a short letter or memorandum entitled Hints for the Behavior of Nobel Prizemen -- with reference of course to the ceremonies in Stockholm. I may say that this award is a tremendous moral boost to me -- the work on transplantation antigens is agonizingly slow and frustrating, and at times I have felt that the water would close finally over my head. So I'm utterly delighted -- with only the omissions of Ray Owen's and Billingham-and-Breats[?] names to make one regret the peremptory and arbitrary nature of these awards. I am dreading the moment when I shall have finished writing letters to my friends -- and start on the others (so far 5.5 x 10 [squared] letters). If this letter is a bit incoherent, it's because I'm still somewhat dazed. Very best wishes. Yours ever,