ane us University College London - Gower Street WC1 a : Department of Zoology, Hola — 1st March 1960. Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department. of Genetics, Btanford University Medical School,. Palo Alto, mo, California, U.S oAe Dear Joshua, It was extremely good of you to send your tolerance article so promptly. I wish I could reciprocate by sending you a Harvey Lecture, but I am sorry to say that I simply haven't got one left = not even my own copy for reference. To my great regret I shan't have time for a visit to the West coast on this occasion, but I would like to file your letter away for my next visit, and get in touch with you then. The point is that the Harvard people insist on my being “in residence" for at least two weeks during,the delivery of the Dunham Lectures- which is fair enough, really, but it means I can't get around as I should otherwise have liked. I shall shortly be sending you a copy of my Reith Lectures, the last of which consists of some reflections on your antithesis between instructive and elective interpretations of various forms of biological reactivity. The lectures are supposed to be published in about a month's time. All good wishes, Yours, aenmemennn aT TT spits SET TEVTUT EET EIN Soe tenance ee