UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Telephone : EUSton 7050 GOWER STREET WCI Professor P. B. Medawar 24th July 1959. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Dear Joshua, Very many thanks indeed for your letter of July 15th, which straightens out the only points of uneasiness I had over your magnificent article in Science. The possibility of my coming out to the Vest coast is a bit too vague at the moment to justify making any plans. I am in fact giving the Dunham Lectures in Harvard some time in March, but the acceptance of this lecturership entails (note tse of the word "entails") my residing in Harvard for three weeks, and I very much fear that this isn't going to leave me time to visit about the country. If things turn out otherwise, and I do have scme spare time, I shall certainly get in touch with you again. In the meantime, all good wishes, Yours ever, Li.