UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Telephone ; EUSton 7050 GOWER STREET WCI Professor P. B. Medawar lith July 1959 Dr Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A. Dear Josh, Very many thanks for your letter. Science of 19th June arrived between my writing and your reply, and I read your article with the utmost pleasure and interest. Whatever else may turn out right or wrong in it, I feel convinced of the essential truth of the elective theory. As your propositions are proposais rather than assertions there is nothing to quarrel with - things will sort themselves out in time. Three points come to mind which I'd like you to comment on sometime. 1. I don't see how A}, according to which genetic variants among antibody forming cells arise randomly, provides for the possibility that certain individual animals may be incapable of forming antibodies against particular determinant groups. Here see some wise and informative remarks by Eisen, pp. 645-649 in “Cellular and humoral aspects of hypersensitive states", ed. H.S.Lawrence, Hoeber 1959. Indeed, I don't see at the moment how to reconcile A3 with the possibility that immunological performance may meridelize in the manner hinted at by the data in your ref (33). If you write some additional notes to accompany the reprint of your paper, I hope therefore you will amplify the last para. of A4. Incidentally, Avrion's paper at Royaumont called attention to the extraordinary speed with which normal reactivity returns to formerly tolerant animals after antigen has expired. This argues for a high mutation rate among immunologically competent cells. On the other hand one has to remember that Jim Gowans's new work on the longevity of lymphocytes shows that the mitotic rate inlymphoid tissue has been greatly exaggerated, under the impression that all lymphocytes entering the blood stream are newly formed. 2. What you say about embryonic differentiation in para. 3 of A3 and in the last para of your paper is open to misunderstanding. Burnet explicitly states that the diversification of antibody forming cells is due to the same kind of process as that which occurs in embryonic differen- tiation generally. You. refer to "a specific mechanism of cellular differentiation" in para. 3 of A}. I'm almost sure you mean that the diversification of lymphoid cells is one among several possible kinds of differentiation -—- not that A3 provides a specific explanation of embryonic differentiation. It strikes me that Burnet's belief that somatic mutation accounts for embryonic differentiation generally is inherently paradoxical. For, here, the mutat@ions must be orderly and not random. If they are orderly, the zygote must contain enough information to ensure that the right mutat@ions occur at the right time, place and order. But if the zygote contains this wealth of information anyway, it becomes pointless to pring in somatic mutation in order to enlarge it. I'm ali for differentiation being an elective process but still have to be convinced that there isn't enough information in the zygote to subsidize it. 3.