UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY TENNIS COURT ROAD CAMBRIOGE 56288 CAMBRIDGE 30 Npvember 1957 Bear Dr Lederberg, A year ago I wrote to you asking whether you thought it might be possible to get an agreed usage for the term protoplast but you were not able to reply. I understand Dr. Kellenberger also wrote to you. I have now put together after consultation with a number of people a note which might or might not form the bads of a joint statement to be sent to Nature. I wonder if you would be so good as to look at 4t and let me have any comments ? It has been sent to various other people who are working with peotoplasts of varbus kinds. Yours sincerely, Z IK (a _ Ga wi _kefineth ilcQuillen Dr Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, MADISON, Wisconsin, U. S. &,