PT lettre loot. ABSTRACT Reprinted from Rec, Genetics Soc, Amer, 17: 46 (1948) Lederberg, Joshua, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.: Gene control of B-galactosidase in Escherichia coli, -- A large series of B-galactosidase mutants of E. coli was obtained by irradiating heavy cell suspen sions on the indicator medium, EMB Lactose Agar, The mutants were compared phenotypically and genetically (see Genetics 32: 505). Most of the mutants involved the locus Lac, and were phenotypically alike (lactow-, methyl galactoside slow), Altogether, however, at least seven and provably ten distinct loci were found, mutation at any one of which leads to the loss or alteration of galactosidase, Two of the mutant types have additional effects: Lac-~ fails to split maltose or to ferment gluconate; Lacz- to split ialtose or to ferment glucose, galactozymase remaining intact, Sev- -eral distinct mutations which partially "suppress" Lacz- have been found, leading to such phenotypes as Lac-Mal-Glu+, LactMal-Glu-, and even Lac-Mal+Glu-, While the latter suggests the direct or phosphoryla- tive utilization of maltose, other evidence suggests that lactose is initially split by galactosidase, An allele of Lacz+ has been found which is temperature- sensitive, showing different thresholds for the fermen- tation of sorbitol, of glucose or maltose, and the splitting of lactose, and pointing to the pleiotropic effect of the mutation, The complex gene-enzyme pat- terns suggest that some mutations have indirect effects on the production of one or more enzymes, It will be difficult, therefore, to point to a given gene as the source of specificity of a given enzyme, even though its mutation leads to the loss of that enzyme,