UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOGLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA Oct. 26, 1960 Dear Josh: i'm sorry to have been so slow to reply to your kind invitation to visit Esther and you. Gertrude and I will be delighted and are pretty free now that the girls are big. The date you set was fine -—- Nov, llth, 12th?; don't Have your letter before ime, Just let us know the time and the place. Theagenda for the Westex meeting looks very interesting, May I add a suggestion for an eathbound experiment that I8ve discussed briefly with Carl Sagan, What is the stability of DNA and proteins under sterile conditions in primitive sea water at various temperatures? No use in forming the organic soupd if they can deteriorate faster than they are formed, The critical variabiléxyx in the accumulation of native high polymers could be the thermal stability of milti-hydrogen bonds, Best regards, \ Cae Yaniel “azia i Thit tearmapohptee wre Than vy Tlie Nhe of hy 122, ‘od fete